Commonly Misspelt/Misused Words in Singapore
Below are some of the most commonly misspelt or misused words found in Singapore, but not pertaining to Singlish. Hope the list can serve as a constant reminder to us non-native English users. :^)
Words/Phrases | Part of Speech | Common Meaning (mostly in Chinese) | Remarks |
a blessing in disguise | 塞翁失马 | Not “a blessing in the skies.” | |
across | prep. | 在……的那边;在……对面 | Not “acrossed.” |
adv. | 横过,穿过;在对面 | ||
advice | n.u. | 忠告,劝告 | cf. advise. |
advise | v. | 劝告,向……提建议;通知 | cf. advice. |
a lot | 非常多 | No such word as “alot.” | |
amount | n. | 数量 | Used with uncountable nouns, cf. number. |
v.i. | 相当于;总计 | Not used in progressive aspect. | |
auxiliary | adj. | 辅助的;补助的 | Note that there are two i’s. |
barbiturate | n. | 巴比妥酸盐(镇静催眠药) | Do not miss the ‘r.’ |
biannual | adj. | 一年两次的 | cf. biennial. |
biennial | adj. | 两年一次的 | cf. biannual. |
bimonthly | adv. | 两月一次的;每月两次 | aff. biweekly. |
adj. | |||
biweekly | adv. | 两周一次的;每周两次 | aff. bimonthly. |
adj. | |||
calculating | adj. | (尤指专为自己打算的)深谋远虑,精明的 | Usually derogative; no such word as “calculative.” |
category | n.c. | 种类;范畴 | Not “catagory.” |
champ at the bit | 急不可待 | May be written as “chomp at the bit” in AmE. | |
changeable | adj. | (尤指天气)易变的;不定的 | Do not miss the ‘e’; aff. noticeable. |
complement | n. | 补足物;足额 | cf. compliment. |
v.t. | 补充 | ||
compliment | n. | 赞美;恭维;敬意 | cf. complement. |
v.t. | 赞美;恭维;向……致意 | ||
comprise | v.t. | 包含;由……组成 | Use compriseor be comprised of,but not “comprise of” nor “be comprising.” |
dateline | n. | 国际日期变更线;日期栏 | cf. deadline. |
deadline | n. | 截止时间,期限 | cf. dateline. |
defer | v.t. | 推迟,拖延;使延期 | cf. differ. |
differ | v.i. | 不同,相异 | cf. defer. |
discipline | n.u. | 训练;纪律;惩罚 | Do not miss the silent ‘c.’ |
v.t. | 训导;惩戒 | ||
distinct | adj. | 独特的,截然不同的;清楚的,明显的 | cf. distinctive, distinguished. |
distinctive | adj. | 与众不同的,有特色的 | cf. distinct, distinguished. |
distinguished | adj. | 卓越的,杰出的,以……著名的 | cf. distinct, distinctive. |
dumbbell | n. | 哑铃 | Note the double b’s; usually in plural form (dumbbells). |
elicit | v.t. | 得出,引出(事实,情况等) | A single ‘l’ only; cf. illicit. |
embarrass | v.t. | 使窘迫;使为难;使焦急 | Note the double r’s. |
emigrate | v.i. | 移居外国,移民 | A single ‘m’ only; cf. immigrate. |
espresso | n. | (用蒸汽加压煮出的)蒸馏浓咖啡 | Not “expresso” (pl. espressos). |
every day | 每一天 | A phrase, cf. everyday. |
everyday | adj. | 日常的;平常的;普通的 | A single word, cf. every day; no comparative degree. |
fair | adj. | 正直的,公正的;相当好(大、美等)的;(皮肤)白晰的,(头发)淡色的;外表端庄的;品质纯正的;(指女性)美貌的,动人的 | cf. fare. |
adv. | 公正地,公平地 | ||
n. | (出售农副产品的)定期集市;大型展销会,商品交易会 | ||
fare | n. | 车费;(尤指出租车的)乘客;食品(尤指伙食) | cf. fair. |
v. | (正式)进行;进展;过活;成功 | ||
February | n. | 二月 | Two r’s in total. |
fewer | determiner | 较少数的 | Comparative of few; cf. less. |
pron. | |||
foreign | adj. | 外国的;无关的;外来的 | Not “foriegn”; no comparative degree. |
fort | n. | 堡垒,要塞 | cf. forte. |
forte | n. | 长处,优点 | cf. fort; pronounced as [ˈfɔːrteɪ]; usually singular. |
adv. | 【音乐】强音 | ||
adj. | |||
gauge | n. | 测量仪表;(重量、尺寸等的)标准规格 | Not “guage”; take note of the pronunciation, too. |
v.t. | 用仪表测量;(对某事或某人的行为)判定,估计 | ||
hierarchy | n. | 等级制度 | |
illicit | adj. | 违法的 | Double l’s, cf. elicit; no comparative degree. |
immigrate | v.i. | (从外国)移居入本国 | Double m’s, cf. emigrate. |
indispensable | adj. | 不可或缺的;必需的 | Not “indispensible.” |
ingenious | adj. | 机灵的;有创造性的 | cf. ingenuous. |
ingenuous | adj. | 单纯的;直率的,无经验的 | cf. ingenious. |
innocuous | adj. | (尤指行动、声明等)无害的;无冒犯之意的 | Double n’s, cf. inoculate. |
inoculate | v. | (给……)接种;灌输 | A single ‘n’ only, cf. innocuous. |
in spite of | 不管 | No such phrase as “inspite ...” | |
itinerary | n.c. | 旅行计划;旅程,旅行路线 | Five syllables in total, note the ‘i-i-e-a’ sequence. |
it’s | it is; it has | cf. its. |
its | determiner | 它的 | Possessive case of “it”; cf. it’s. |
jewellry | n.u. | (衣服上或身上戴的镶嵌宝石的)饰物;珠宝 | Do not spell or pronounce as “jewellery.” |
leisure | n.u. | 闲暇;空闲 | Not “liesure.” |
less | adv. | 不如,不及;较少,更少 | Comparative of “little”; cf. fewer. |
determiner | 较小(少)的;更小(少)的 | ||
pron. | |||
prep. | 扣除;不计在内 | ||
maintenance | n.u. | 维修;保养 | Not “maintainence.” |
many | determiner | 许多,很多 | cf. much. |
pron. | |||
memento | n.c. | 纪念品 | Not “momento” (pl. mementos). |
millennium | n.c. | 一千年;太平盛世 | Double l’s and double n’s (pl. millennia). |
miniature | n. | 缩影;缩样 | Do not miss the ‘a.’ |
adj. | 微型的;缩小的 | ||
mischievous | adj. | 调皮的;恶作剧的;有危害的 | Not “mischievious”; take note of the pronunciation, too. |
much | adv. | 多;很;几乎,差不多 | cf. many. |
determiner | 许多,大量 | ||
pron. | |||
neighbour | n. | 邻居 | Not “nieghbour.” |
never | adv. | 从不,决不 | Singaporeans tend to use this word in place of “do not” for expressing negation, which is not correct. |
noticeable | adj. | 显而易见的;值得注意的 | Do not miss the ‘e,’ aff. changeable. |
number | n. | 数,数字;号码,编号;数量,总数 | Used with countable nouns, cf. amount. |
v.t. | 给……编号;总共;把……列入 | ||
occasion | n. | 时刻,时机 | Double c’s, but only a single ‘s.’ |
occurrence | n. | (偶发)事件,事变 | Both double c’s and double r’s. |
ostensibly | adv. | 表面地,假装地 | No such word as “ostensively.” |
pastime | n. | 消遣,娱乐 | Both single ‘s’ and single ‘t.’ |
perseverance | n.u. | 坚持;坚忍不拔;不屈不挠 | Four syllables in total, note the ‘er-e-e-a’ sequence. |
playwright | n.c. | 剧作家 | Not “playwrite” (“wright” is from “work” in Old English). |
precede | v. | 先于……;居前,领先 | Note the ‘-cede’ spelling in this word, cf. proceed, supersede. |
principal | adj. | 首要的;主要的 | cf. principle; no comparative degree. |
n. | (某些大学、学院或学校的)校/院长;本金;主角,主奏者 | cf. principle. |
principle | n.c. | 原理;原则;法则;定理 | cf. principal, principles. |
principles | | 原理;原则;道义,节操 | cf. principal, principle. |
proceed | v.i. | 进行;(停顿后)继续进行;前进,行进 | cf. precede. |
pronunciation | n. | 发音;发音法;口音 | Not “pronounciation.” |
questionnaire | n.c. | 意见征求表;问卷 | Double n’s; ends in ‘-naire.’ |
referred to | 提及;参照;应用于 | Double r’s. | |
regardless | adv. | 不顾一切地;无论如何 | No such word as “irregardless.” |
relevant | adj. | 有关的;贴切的;中肯的 | Note the ‘e-e-a’ sequence. |
rhyme | n. | 韵脚;押韵;韵文 | cf. rhythm. |
v.i. | 押韵;同韵 | ||
rhythm | n. | (说话、舞蹈、音乐等的)韵律;节奏 | cf. rhyme. |
separate | v. | 分开,分离;分隔,隔开;分散成(若干部分);(夫妻通过正式协议)分居 | Note the ‘e-a-a’ sequence. |
adj. | 不同的,各别的;单独的,各自的;分开的,分离的 | ||
sergeant | n.c. | 军士;中士;警官,巡佐 | One ‘e’ in each of the two syllables. |
split image | 相像的人或物;翻版 | Also split and image,but no such phrase as “splitting image.” |
supersede | v.t. | 淘汰;取代 | Note the ‘-sede’ spelling in this word, cf. precede. |
stationary | adj. | 不动的,静止的 | cf. stationery. |
stationery | n.u. | 文具(总称) | cf. stationary. |
suit | n. | 一套衣服;同花色的一组纸牌 | cf. suite; take note of the pronunciation, too. |
v. | 适合,满足,对……方便;跟……相称,相配 | ||
suite | n.c. | (尤指旅馆中的)一套房间;一套家具(尤指一件长靠椅和两把椅子等三件一套) | cf. suit; take note of the pronunciation, too. |
their | determiner | 他(她、它)们的 | Possessive case of “they”; cf. there, they’re. |
there | adv. | 在那里;往那里;在那方面;(用以引起注意);(用以安慰某人或表示满足、鼓励、胜利等) | cf. their, they’re. |
pron. | (用以表示存在或发生) | ||
they’re | they are | cf. their, there. |
track | n.c. | 行踪;轨迹;足迹;径,小道;铁轨;跑道;(唱片或磁带中的)乐曲 | cf. trek. |
v.t. | 跟踪;追踪 | ||
trek | v.i. | 徒步长途跋涉 | cf. track. |
n. | |||
weird | adj. | 怪诞的;不自然的;离奇的;不可思议的;不能接受的 | Not “wierd.” |
you’re | you are | cf. your. |
your | 你的;你们的 | Possessive case of “you”; cf. you’re. |