Mathematical Formulae
handy cheat sheets
is not very good in memorizing details. Subjects like history and politics have always been the worst on my scoresheet. Cheat sheets as quick references were the best friend I could every hope for, though, unfortunately, they were mostly illegal in exams back in China. It was a treat when I realized that most university exams here are open-book exams. I could make full use of cheat sheets in place of those bulky reference ‘bricks.’
的记性一向不好。所以在历史、政治等科目上常常是被“烤”得焦头烂额的。速查小抄可说是最方便的对照参考了——可惜这在国内绝大多数的考试里,都是不合法的……到了新加坡后可好,大学里的考试经常是开卷的。小抄是最方便的临场参考,远比那些砖头似的参考书要好使多了。在这里存放的,也就是 以前用过的一些私人小抄吧。