- @misc{ Wu:2006pct,
author = "",
title = "System and methods to optimize volumetric rendering of a region of interest (``{T}ension {V}ector'')",
howpublished = "{PCT} patent {WO/2006/095017}",
year = 2006,
month = "14~September",
note = "assignee: {B}racco Imaging {S.p.A.}",
url = {http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?WO=2006095017
} - @inproceedings{ Wu:2005isvc,
author = "and Eugene Lee and Yang, Guang and Ralf Kockro and Luis Serra",
title = "The {L}umen {V}iewer",
booktitle = "6th International Symposium on Virtual Colonoscopy ({ISVC}'05)",
year = 2005,
month = "17--18~October",
pages = "169--170",
address = "{B}oston, {MA}",
organization = "{CME}, {B}oston University",
} - @misc{ Serra:2005pct,
author = "Luis Serra and",
title = "System and methods for screening a luminal organ (``{L}umen {V}iewer'')",
howpublished = "{PCT} patent {WO/2005/073921}",
year = 2005,
month = "11~August",
note = "assignee: {B}racco Imaging {S.p.A.}",
url = {http://www.wipo.int/pctdb/en/wo.jsp?WO=2005073921
} - @article{ Zhu:2005nbt,
author = "Zhu, Hao andand Huang, Sui and Sun, Yan and Pawan Dhar",
title = "Cellular automata with object-oriented features for parallel molecular network modeling",
journal = "{IEEE} Transactions on NanoBioscience",
volume = 4,
number = 2,
year = 2005,
month = "June",
pages = "141--148",
url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?arnumber=01435369
} - @article{ Chang:2003mmsj,
author = "Chang, Ee-Chien and Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Guan, Xin and Huang, Zhiyong and",
title = "Robust image authentication using content based compression",
journal = "{ACM} Multimedia Systems Journal ({MMSJ})",
volume = 9,
number = 2,
year = 2003,
month = "August",
pages = "121--130",
url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/nh59xubrbxu1g5vv/?p=5fa01eff8438431cb27b54e380082984
} - @mastersthesis{ Wu:2003,
author = "",
title = "Extended cellular automata with molecular interaction networks",
school = "Computer Science, {S}ingapore-{MIT} Alliance",
year = 2003,
month = "July",
note = "internship at Bioinformatics Institute, {S}ingapore",
} - @inproceedings{ Tan:2003vbr,
author = "Magaret Tan and Yeo, Gek Hui and Wong, Keen Hon and Wang, Meng and",
title = "Virtual bodies in reality",
booktitle = "1st International Women's Art Festival in {T}aiwan, From My Fingers: Living in the technological age",
year = 2003,
month = "8~May--27~July",
pages = "124--127",
address = "{K}aohsiung, {T}aiwan",
organization = "{K}aohsiung Museum of Fine Arts and {T}aiwan Women's Art Association",
} - @inproceedings{ Wu:2003graphite,
author = "and Chang, Ee-Chien and Huang, Zhiyong and Mohan S. Kankanhalli",
title = "Feature extraction of volume data based on multi-scale representation",
booktitle = "International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in {A}ustralasia and {S}outh {E}ast {A}sia ({GRAPHITE}'03)",
year = 2003,
month = "11--14~February",
pages = "175--180",
address = "{M}elbourne, {A}ustralia",
organization = "{ANZGRAPH} and {SEAGRAPH}",
url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
} - @misc{ Wu:2002,
author = "",
title = "Volume data feature detection using {3D} {DCT}",
howpublished = "{H}onour's degree thesis",
school = "School of Computing, National University of {S}ingapore",
year = 2002,
month = "July",
} - @inproceedings{ Kankanhalli:2001vis,
author = "Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Chang, Ee-Chien and Guan, Xin and Huang, Zhiyong and",
title = "Authentication of volume data",
booktitle = "{IEEE} Visualization Conference ({Vis}'01), Works in Progress",
year = 2001,
month = "21--26~October",
pages = "20--21",
address = "{S}an {D}iego, {CA}",
url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
} - @inproceedings{ Kankanhalli:2001egmm,
author = "Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Chang, Ee-Chien and Guan, Xin and Huang, Zhiyong and",
title = "Authentication of volume data using wavelet-based foveation",
booktitle = "Proceedings of the 6th {Eurographics} Workshop on Multimedia ({EGMM}'01)",
year = 2001,
month = "8--9~September",
pages = "119--130",
address = "{M}anchester, {U.K.}",
organization = {Eurographics},
url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
} - @inproceedings{ Wu:2001cgi,
author = "and Guan, Xin and Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Huang, Zhiyong",
title = "Robust invisible watermarking of volume data using the {3D} {DCT}",
booktitle = "Computer Graphics International ({CGI}'01)",
year = 2001,
month = "3--6~July",
pages = "359--362",
address = "{H}ong {K}ong, {C}hina",
organization = "The City University of {H}ong {K}ong and {CGS} and {H}ong {K}ong Web Society",
url = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/CGI.2001.934699
} - @inproceedings{ Guan:2000mmm,
author = "Guan, Xin andand Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Huang, Zhiyong",
title = "Invisible watermarking of volume data using wavelet transform",
booktitle = "International Conference on Multimedia Modeling ({MMM}'00)",
year = 2000,
month = "13--15~November",
pages = "153--166",
organization = "{W}aseda University",
address = "{N}agano, {J}apan",
url = {http://www.comp.nus.edu.sg/~mmm/mmm2000/program.html
} - @inproceedings{ Wu:2000siggraph,
author = "and Guan, Xin and Mohan S. Kankanhalli and Huang, Zhiyong",
title = "Robust invisible watermarking of volume data",
booktitle = "27th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques ({SIGGRAPH}'00), Sketches \& Applications",
year = 2000,
month = "July",
pages = 252,
organization = "{ACM} {SIGGRAPH}",
address = "{N}ew {O}rleans, {LA"},
url = {http://www.siggraph.org/s2000/conference/skapps/skapps25.html