Chinese Traditional Kinship System
The kinship system in Chinese tradition is much more complex than that in western cultures [1][2], supposedly due to the closer relationship among Chinese in a traditionally extended family.
Due to the widespread impact of the Cultural Revolution, as well as the “one-child policy” after the revolution, young people nowadays do not usually get to experience the traditional big families. So more and more youth are getting less familiar with the traditional addresses used among family members and relatives. For example, have been in a few embarassing occasions when I met some relatives, but had no idea how to address them properly.
The diagrams below demonstrates the complexity in the traditional Chinese kinship system that includes an extended family hierarchy:
Relationship by Consanguinity
-4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | ||||||||||||||||||||
Paternal Lineage |
Maternal Lineage |
Relationship by Marriage
-1 | 0 | 1 | ||||||||
Husband’s Lineage |
Wife’s Lineage |
Don’t worry if the above diagrams are still not complicated enough for you. Chinese traditional kinship address is as complex, if not more so, as the kinship system.
- 《重編國語辭典修訂本(網路版)·附錄十五:親屬關係簡表及附圖》,中華民國教育部國語推行委員會編纂,二〇〇七年十二月臺灣學術網路四版ver.2。
- 《重編國語辭典修訂本(網路版)·附錄十四:親朋稱呼表》,中華民國教育部國語推行委員會編纂,二〇〇七年十二月臺灣學術網路四版ver.2。
- Chinese kinship, Wikipedia, December 2008.
- 中国人的辈份、亲戚称谓详解专题系列, Solaris.黄雨火狐.Scna.Sun,2009年5月。