Yet another Chinese New Year, yet another good/bad year? :^P Hope all the bad lucks are going away despite a slightly rugged ‘opening’ of the Year of the Snake.
对“囧”、“嘂”、“圐圙”之类的网络“火星文”有兴趣吗?不妨参考一下火星文字典(WIP)吧。 ^_^
自从偶然睇过几集佛山电视台嘅《而今,就只能将呢仅余嘅的珠玉与勘误辑录于本站嘅《现代粤语》栏目之下,聊作一个历史嘅记录。还望有有心人可以佮份同 一齐揾返同整理埋下边未完的集数!
可真还是一个头两个大呀——虽说都是华人,可姓名却是怎么听怎么别扭(都是各地方言“害”的)。以后,这个中华百家姓拼写方法的列表就应该能帮上一点儿忙了。花咗大半年时间,终于又重新整理咗一次广府话用字嘅资料。虽然 承认自己嘅效率的确系唔高,不过今日总算系完成咗“first cut”。下一步?一定要再花啲功夫,将粤语拟态语、歇后语等资料都重新修订一次。
Now, another batch of photos from my trips to Guangzhou and Shanghai
between February to March—complete with some of the new hand-held panoramas as promised a month ago. It just seems that it always takes me at least a month or two to get photos sorted out and travelogue pages updated, huh...
After a full 7 years, :^)
has finally moved into a new home (@ Hope to get things moving faster with a better platform.Fixed up a number of old hand-held panoramic photos using new software and workflow (Hooray, new technology! Hooray, improved skill!) Will get back to the work of compiling more recent travelogue updates after this.
Stay tuned!
(佛历二五五六年三月十二日)临济宗第44代传人、尊师上本下焕长老,于凌晨零点36分在深圳弘法寺化缘已毕,安详示寂,世寿一百又六载,僧腊八十有四夏。 T_T
Launched a mini project to convert this entire site into HTML 5. Stay tuned for v5.5t!
Finally managed to find some time and to compile a few pages as a memento of my Christmas trip to southern Vietnam last year. Enjoy!
Completed a massive site-wide clean-up of hyperlinks. Now, left only with Cantonese knowledge section to be cleaned up.
哈哈,今年八月返国内两周啲相终于都全部整理晒出嚟啦! 喺国外生活得耐咗,对国内嘅发展形势就真系又有喜又有忧。祝愿祖国可以逐渐更改航道,向住真正“以民为本”嘅方向前进。
It took me a total of 27 hours and 37 minutes (with a little bit of cheating by exchanging ideas with my friends, too) to complete all the 380 elements for this version of “Alchemy.” Still haven’t manged to figure out what a few of the non-terminal elements could be used for, though...
Hooked on to “Alchemy” on my brand new Sensation. Really having a lot of quiet fun discovering new elements and formulae.
A new version 5.5s is finally up on-line with a few main pages! This upgrade features a new XHTML 1.1-based page structure, less the cumbersome YUI dependency. The stylesheet and event handling core are now fully based on CSS level 3 and jQuery. Even the client-side multi-language support has been reimplemented to make translatable units, including the algorithmic ones, easier to identify and to edit.
I’ll continue to work on upgrading the remainder of the site to the new template in the coming weeks (possibly months :^P).
It’s been a really long time since I have completed any full pages in this site. :^P Blame it on the lazy me!
more travelogue pages for trips in 2010. Really need to push myself a little bit harder not to leave things dangling around again...
has finally put up some最近、テレビアニメ「名探偵コナン」の番組の情報を整理しました。
Completed the latest travelogue for my end-of-year trip back home. This is my goodbye to the past year and a heartfelt hello to the brand new Year of the Tiger.
拖拖拉拉姿整咗半年,除咗整理咗一下相簿,卒之又将广州方言用字嘅资料全部复审咗一次(期间重更正咗唔少之前嘅笔误)。 一得闲,重会继续搜集资料,喺里边添加更多嘅信息忌。
卒之又重新整理咗一次广州方言用字嘅资料……*phew* 喺呢方面才疏学浅,就只希望可以搜集些少对大家有用嘅东东,立此存照啦。
Added the first version of multilingual seafood/fish glossary into a new section. I’ll keep expanding this glossary from what I observe in the marketplace. :^P
Renaming the whole site to #_#)
. (Really tired with the ancient ‘world...’Completed rebuilding the overall site design and a JavaScript contents translation engine. Officially bumping to version 5.4b!
惊觉就连身旁热爱文学的同学,竟也在乱用(错误的)繁体汉字来附庸风雅……>_<||| 于是决定自己动手,搜集、整理一些这方面的资料。
决心以后要坚持讲正统嘅广州话,练习写正确嘅广州方言字! ⇒ 资料……
自己整理嘅啲多Refactored CSS layout, bumping it to version 5.1
with modernRebuilt
as version 5.0 (@(佛历二五四九年一月三日)是夜,于广州光孝寺内,拜入临济宗第44代传人上本下焕长老门下,获赐法名顿成
officially came online.
XHTML 1.0 Transitional) despite a long break induced by school stress. Finally moving out of campus...
version 4.0 (inAn incomplete
version 3.0.Site restructured:
version 2.1.version 2.0